Trigeminal Neuralgia
Radiofrequency Thermal Lesioning
This procedure selectively destroys nerve fibres associated with pain. While you're under analgesia and mildly sedated, with close monitoring of your vital parameters. and your surgeon inserts a hollow needle [RF electrode] through your face and guides it to a part of the trigeminal nerve ganglion that goes through an opening at the base of your skull known as foramen ovale.
Once the needle is positioned, your surgeon will briefly wake you from sedation. Your surgeon inserts an electrode through the needle and sends a mild electrical current through the tip of the electrode. You'll be asked to indicate when and where you feel tingling.
When your pain physician or neurosurgeon locates the part of the nerve involved in your pain, you're returned to sedation. Then the electrode is heated at a certain temperature without harming any vital structure of the brain until it damages the nerve fibres, creating an area of injury (lesion). If your pain isn't eliminated, your doctor may create additional lesions.
Radiofrequency thermal lesioning usually results in some temporary facial numbness after the procedure. Pain may return after three to four years but no surgical procedure is foolproof and long-lasting as the patient expectation but without surgery, if someone relieves to great extent is a rewarding procedure too but our experience says its the best option than to keep you on unnecessary pain killers and other medicines together.