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Spine And Pain Specialists In Jaipur

JPRC Neuro Spine Centre offers a wide range of non-surgical treatments for issues related to the spine and joints. Our centre has advanced technologies to perform spine medical procedures with the most recent techniques; one of which is minimally invasive spine surgery, a scarless and bloodless procedure through which spine diseases and disorders can be treated.

The medical procedure is advantageous for early mobility, and the same-day discharge from our centre. Our interventional spine, pain, and neurosurgeons will properly diagnose the spine issues and give comprehensive and careful treatments as per the situation of the patient.

Dr. Sanjay Sharma
Interventional Pain Physician (Algologist)
JPRC Neuro Spine centre
JPRC is the Best Spine Hospital in town with top specialist and modern technology.
With our years of working experiences we undertake best methodology and approach for your treatment. Because we understand patient’s problems and pain situations, we even offer concessions to those who are under-privileged or incapable monetary funds. Our motto is “SERVE All”. In the past decade, we have cured 10000+ patients from their neuro spine problems.
What We Offer for You

We have a good team of experts and hence we offer a variety of treatments to the patients. Our comfortable and friendly environment will make you feel home away from home. Listed below are few of our well known treatments.

Trigeminal Neuralgia
Advanced Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatments at jprc neuro spine centre We provide support and information for those with trigeminal neuralgia and related facial pain. In our JPRC has doctors who are specialize neurologists and pain management specialists can treat your facial pain with a number of advanced surgical procedures.
Minimal Invasive Endoscopic Discectomy
Surgeries have evolved rapidly with modern advances in medicine and less traumatic techniques. Back and neck pain may now be treated with techniques which do not cause scarring or further damage to the spine or irritated nerves. JPRC neuro-spine centre, we combine our knowledge of diagnostics with the appropriate procedures to help you manage or heal your pain without major surgery or hospitalization. At our state-of-the-art, safe, and well-equipped facilities, we can perform these minimally invasive surgeries to provide evidence Base Pain relief for slipdisc & sciatica.
Avoid knee Replacement
Genicular neurotomy is a advance new, innovative option for treating any kind of knee pain without open surgery, that avoid replacement surgery in most of knee pain cases for limited duration,this highly advanced procedure is on the absolute cutting edge of medicine. By selectively applying a sophisticated type of radio frequency wave to the nerves surrounding the knee (the genicular nerves), because most of knee joint structure supply by genicular nerves.
Our World-Class Specialists

We have a good team of experts and hence we offer a variety of treatments
to the patients.

Dr. Sanjay Sharma

Algologist - Interventional Pain Physician

Dr. Sanjay Sharma (Algologist) is working as Chief Consultant Interventional Pain Physician at JPRC Neura Spine Center & Apex Hospital Jaipur.

Ex. Consult - SMS Medical College and Attached Hospitals (Dept. of Anesthesiology & Pain Management Associate Member - World Institute of Pain (USA), Transworld Society of Pain (USA), Transforaminal Endoscopic Spine Society, Pain Physician of India, SSELD Society of Sacral Endoscopy, Spine and Interventional Pain Society, Visiting Consultant: Apex Hospital

Dr. Lalit Bharadwaj

Course Director Of JPRC

Dr. Lalit Bhardwaj is working as a Consultant Neurosurgeon in Apex Hospital Jaipur. In education, he has done MBBS, MS, MCH (Neurosurgery - PGIMER (Chandigarh), IMISS, Wooridul Hospital (Seoul, South Korea), ESCD Strasbourg (France) and he worked as Associate consultant in Medanta, Gurgaon.

Dr. Tariq Ahmed Tramboo

M.B.B.S., M.D. FIPP (U.S.A.)
Pain Physician

USE Board Certified Pain Medicine Physician
(Interventional Pain Specialist)
Director-Pain Relief Academy, SGR
Vice President - World Institute of Pain
President - Truminim Interventional

Dr. Harshvardhan Chaturvedi

[BPT] Physiotherapist
Consultant Physiotherapist at JPRC Neuro Spine

Certification in Sports Taping, Manual Therapists. 


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We work with you to help keep you healthy because
something as simple as having doctors.

Our professional experts can help you get through your intense pain with the best possible method applicable for your medical conditions. Pain Management specialists will diagnose your problem and provide you appropriate method to ease your suffering.
Neurosurgery, or neurological medical procedure, is the therapeutic procedure concerned about the counteractive action, conclusion, careful treatment, and recovery of clutters which influence any part of the sensory system including the mind, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and cerebrovascular system.
With the new era of modern medicine, JPRC also offers the Orthobiological Treatments. Orthobiologic Treatments have proven effectiveness for conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, major joint issues and sports medicinal injuries.

Medical Pro Services

Get Well Soon

Sacroiliac joint pain

Frozen shoulder

Temporo mandibular joint pain

facet joint syndrome


Tech Neck

Radiofrequency knee Pain Treatment

Cervical Radiculopathy [spondylosis]

Bulging Disc Versus Herniated Disc

Interventional Pain Manegement Techniques


Avoid knee replacement surgery

Slipdisc treatment


satyakam sharma


Dr Sanjay is an amazing pain physician and a well known name in India in the field of Pain Management. The doctor is well qualified and has stellar credentials. I went for my mother's diabetic neuropathy and the doctor explained the problem really well. The treatment has worked wonders for her and there is no pain anymore.

I recommend Dr Sanjay as he is a confident and competent doctor with a straightforward approach

vishal kushwaha

I was suffering from back pain for the last 2 year I've consulted several doctor and psychotherapist also but i didn't get any relief. After knowing from my friend Jprc Neuro spine centre treated their patient well. I went to the hospital and getting consult from Dr. Sanjay Sharma he treated me very well and now I had relief from back pain and enjoying my life full of joy and happiness

Pratibha gehlot


I'm suffering from backache from last 2 years. I'm working in a medical field, I consult so many orthopaedic, neurologist, physiotherapist in jaipur but didn't get any relief and the result then I seach on net and where I find JPRC advance spine & joint care centre then where I consult Dr. Sanjay sharma then he diagnose me and he said there is annular tear in L5 S1 and suggested me laser technique then after this doing technique now I'm perfectly fine. Thank to Dr. Sanjay sharma and his whole staff

vikas gupta


Thanks a lot to Dr. Sanjay sir, Dr. Rekha and team JPRC to give me relief in my Slipdisk Pain. I am too much comfortable after treating at JPRC. I had so much pain and irritation in my right leg two years ago, I went to JPRC on recommendation of my friend. At first meeting i felt that Dr. Sanjay is little rude to talk but his junior dr. Rekha is so nice to talk. Actually Dr. Sanjay is straight forward as per my experience. After my two three visits during treatment I felt that he is so nice from depth of heart. His main concern is treating the patient in the best way. The treatment was a bit higher but not too as compare to other surgeries. After my successful treatment I recommend to others for treatment at JPRC. Thanks again to team JPRC

zahida parveen


Hi this is zahida parveen . I"m an actress I belong to bolloywod film & Tv industry. I"m working since 1995. I am trained passionate dancer too ..I did lots of musical shows in abroad I was usually dance 3 to 4 hour dance reharsal and 4 to 5 hours stage performances. when I shoot serials my working hours 12 to 15 hours in a day I work too hard . so I got knee problem in early age (osteoarthritis) From 2009 I got problem in knee and I have done my orthoscopy In 2013 ...since 2009 to 2021 till I didn't met Dr.sanjay Sharma I suffered alot because of my knees. I consult 20 to 50 doctors from all over country and world nobody have given me relief . I spent lots of money in this and my shoot & routine life was fully disturb. I Lost my dance also. Now every doctor are saying me that I don't have any option except knee replacement. And suddenly I met Dr Sanjay Sharma a magical men . He is men of the words. too kind , good heart person.he have healing power. That I call shifa in his hand . He is very humble , he understands patient's problems very well and then he treat them very nicely . He told me.. there is no need to do knee replacement in Early age we can manage your pain from medicine and his treatment without any surgery . I"m having medicine what Dr. Sanjay Sharma prescribed me. I swear.. I forgot my pain which I was suffering from 12 years . For me he's like an Angel. I would suggest if anyone have such kind of problems should visit here . The staff if very supportive and the clinic have positive ambiance Sir ji...YOU DID MAGIC IN MY life. Now I CAN LEAD MY NORMAL LIFE AND AN ARTIST LIFE WITHOUT PAIN. Thank you so much Dr. Sanjay Sharma.

Deepika vashisth


Deepika Vashishtha

 6 days ago

मैंने JPRC से स्पाइन सर्जरी करवाई और मुझे पूरी तरह से आराम मिला मुझे 2 month से कमर में और लेफ्ट पैर में प्रॉब्लम थी मे चल नही पाती थी मुझे पैर में बहुत दर्द होता था फिर मैंने अजमेर में न्यूरो सर्जन को दिखाया उन्होंने मेरी कंडिशन देखकर MRI करवाई उसमे मुझे L4L5 और S1 मैं दिक्कत आई उन्होंने मुझे बोला सर्जरी करनी होगी अब कंडिशन ऐसी नही की दवाइयों से बीमारी ठीक हो उन्होंने open सर्जरी की बोला मुझे डर था कही मेरे पैर काम करना बंद ना कर दे फिर मैंने जयपुर मैं 1-2 डॉक्टर्स से और कॉन्सर्ट किया उन्होंने ओपन सर्जरी की बोला एक डॉक्टर ने तो मुझे बोला की आपकी रीढ की हड्डी में नट कसने पड़ेगे फिर भी 95% ही आपकी सर्जरी सफल हो सकती है कुछ और प्रॉब्लम्स आ सकती है मैं डर गई फिर मैंने बाद में डॉक्टर संजय शर्मा को दिखाया उन्होंने मुझे मेरी स्पाइन की दिक्कत को अच्छे से समझाया उन्होंने भी सर्जरी की बोला लेकिन उन्होंने बोला मैं एंडोस्कोपी सर्जरी करता हूं जिसमे 2.5 से भी कम चीरा लगेगा और कोई दिक्कत नही होगी बेटा तु 3-4 दिन में चलकर खुद जाएगी और ऐसा ही हुआ बहुत से जन ने मुझे लखवा ho सकता है ऐसे बहुत डराया लेकिन डॉक्टर संजय अंकल और उनकी team ने मुझे पूरी तरह से सही कर दिया और आज मैं आराम से चल सकती हूं अपने सारे काम कर रही हूं thanks अंकल एंड उनकी टीम को जिनकी वजह से मैं वापस अपनी नार्मल लाइफ जीने की और बढ़ सकी मुझे डॉक्टर संजय अंकल ने full पॉज़िटिव रेस्पॉन्स दिया मेरे डर को भी खत्म किया एंडोस्कोपी सर्जरी बिल्कुल safe है । थैंक्स (Translated by Google) I underwent spine surgery with JPRC and I got complete rest. I had a problem in the waist and left leg for 2 months, I could not walk, I had a lot of pain in my leg. Then I showed the neuro surgeon in Ajmer, he saw my condition MRI. I got a problem in L4L5 and S1, he told me he had to do surgery, now the condition was not such that medicines would cure the disease, he said for open surgery, I was afraid that my legs will not stop working, then I have 1-2 doctors in Jaipur. And he did a concert with open surgery. A doctor told me that you will have to tighten the nuts in your back bone, yet only 95% of your surgery can be successful, some more problems may come. I got scared then I later Sanjay Sharma showed me he explained the problem of my spine very well he also did surgery but he said that I do endoscopy surgery which will take less than 2.5 incision and there will be no problem, son will walk on his own in 3-4 days and so It happened that many people scare me so much, but it scared me a lot Doctor Sanjay Uncle and his team have completely corrected me and today I can walk comfortably doing all my work thanks to Uncle and his team, due to which I was able to return to live my normal life and I could grow up Doctor Sanjay Uncle gave a full positive response. I also ended my fear. Endoscopy surgery is absolutely safe. Thanks

Mr.dheeraj jain [ALWAR-TIJARA]


myself from rajasthan alwar district [TIJARA ] i know dr sanjay sharma a well known pain physician since long,my younger brother who was suffernig with cervical disc pain,was in very severe pain in neck and pain going to his hand,his hand power was compromising,as this case was very upsetting our family brother was asked to see in gangaram hospital delhi for spine surgery operation as suggested by dr sanjay sharma.we went to delhi and consulted neurosurgeon for operation,but we were not satisfied and comeback to JPRC NEUROSPINE CENTRE consult and get needful treatment without we had no option,and we consented for non surgical treatment as advise.after the first visit my brother improved and resume normal life.we sincerly thanks for their incredible job.

in addition to my brother i sent many patient who was advised for many surgical procedure for spine problems and joints problem,but we are highly satisfied with JPRC NEURO SPINE CENTRE SERVICES.

mr richpal singh


i am from agriculture family at jaipur rajasthan, 5-6 year back i was in very bad situation from low back pain[slipdisc] at L4-5 ,it was going to leg, everyone was suggesting me for different treatment. i tried medicine for longtime but i did not find any relief,for few months i took complete rest too,without any some of my known previously had treatment from dr sanjay sharma pain physician.he does non surgical treatment for slipdisc i have no option other then surgery as advise by all neurosurgeon.and there was fear in my mind too.but i decided to get treated by dr sanjay wont believe after my careful examination of spine i was advised to get some spine procedure percutanous was really a wonderful treatment i never imagine such a immediate relief.

khem sigh kurka-


i am working in rajasthan police department at bharatpur ,as we have to work hard in long hours duty.our life is full of exertion,have to do hard work in addition.few year back i did not remember what happened all of sudden there was severe pain in my back it was going down to leg  it was pivd L4-5 &L5S1 slipdisc pain problem,i tried to consult many doctors,but some famous neurologist suggest me for surgery and it is only solution for slipdisc problem ,if you dont want surgery continue pain killers for long time,i was totally disappointed by everyone,who ever think fit for us,but all failed we lost too much money and time with painful life,

then someone from RAC police department one constable who already had treatment from dr sanjay sharma,introduce me to him and we consulted him,he suggest me no need of any surgery at i was shocked to hear that how he will treat me without surgery? but we were in good faith that i can be saved without surgery,then dr sanjay sharma perform some procedure on me without will wonder that after 7-8 years after,i have no complain about my slipdisc disc i know many our policeman who were having slipdisc problem now completely cure without surgery by dr sanjay sharma neuro spine doctors team at JPRC NEURO SPINE CENTRE JAIPUR.

mr dinesh


few years back i was taking some prepration from gym,to buildup my body for good physique,unfortunately some powder and nutrients as claim t be healthy turn into nightmare ,i develope bilateral AVN hip joints grade 2, then i consulted many doctors,nothing other then pain killler i took for long time,tried stupid physiotherapy exercises,where my hip joints was totally damaged,then on sms hospital orthopaedic department core decompression was performed to avoid replacement,but it was not useful.then i tried other treatments but no pain relief for me.then i met with dr sanjay sharma interventional pain relief where he suggested me if you opt for radiofrequency technique your pain may subside but you can resume painfree life till its effective.dr sanjay sharma is very open minded doctor he never criticise other opinion,as he was not convinced with my pain relief then he suggested me to get done total  replacement, both hip joints, from his orthopaedic surgeon opinion he did his best support for new life that i did not imagine with his team work.he is really very helpful for all patients who ever comes to his i am living with new life.

dr babeet tanwar


i am young man from alwar disrict rajasthan,few years back i developed low back pain all of suddenly.intially i tried local orthopaedic and physiotherapy treatment as common man suggested to consult firstly.but i realiseed situation not manage properly,then i consult Neuro-Spine Interventional doctors team at JPRC.where i was asked for mri firstly .very strange at previous doctor centre i was treated on plain xrays and history.simple way labelled as Lowback pain and Sciatica.but how a doctor diagnosed without MRI examination.i was lucky enough where doctor first asked for MRI test.i was founfd PIVD L4-5 and L5S1 LEVEL.

i was treated non surgical with percutaneous discectomy with radiofrequency and laser .i was absolutely perfect for 4-5 years.but few month back i was doing some weight lifting,so i suddenly developed acute leg pain ,where i could not move from bed.then dr sanjay shrama interventional pain physician did diagnostic nerve block to test my nerve pain..after few week he asked me to Endoscopic Discectomy at L5S1 level.with his neurosurgery minimal invasive surgeons team.i was immediately relieved from pain.and i started movement and daily activities from second day.

my suggestion for everyone who is suffering from low back pain must consult to any Neurosurgeon OR interventional pain physicians,if your pain does not improve with your doctor treatment.

mr rama krishna-slipdisc problem


i am working in security forces,during my working in cantonement i suddenly develoved low back pain,it gradually incresing with time,i took every medical treament possible in india,unfortunately not a single doctor advise me for MRI ,despite of chronic back pain since years long.every body start treatment on xrays.after long search over google i foud dr sanjay sharma JPRC neurosine centre in jaipur.where dr sharma after seeing my mri film he proposed me to undergo nonsurgical laser treatement for spine pain-slipdisc.i follow him strictly ,after that procedure my life become change suggestion if you had any chronic pain condition related with spine.must be evaluated by qualified pain physician or neurosurgeon atleast.

mrs sonal mishra-merut


my husband who was trainer in gym,during his working he developed low back pain ,we tried many possible analgesic medicine along with some restriction of activities,as he was trainer ,it was not possible had rest for long time,so we decided to discuss our cses with dr sanjay sharma pain physicianin jaipur.he told us there is grade 1 spondylolisthesis at L4-4 level.for such clinical situation surgery shold be aovided if any red flag sign is not present.we agreed to follow his instruction as he suggested RFA along with prolotherapy ,it was single sitting procedure.after procedure my husband start improving in painful with grace of god he saved from surgery and living with normal life.

dr vimlesh chaudhary-jodhpur


i am working women ,retired vice chanceller from univeristy in my life style was very hectic,odd hors working,made me painful both knee was giving me constant pain along with low back i used to had medication for pain relief.but all efforts very temporary,then i consulted dr sanjay sharma for pain relief management about knee pain.he advised me to do certain non surgical procedure,like viscosupplementation and prolotherapy.after having this treatment i resume my painless life afterwards.i am very thnakful for such non cutting technology offer by dr sanjay sharma from JPRC neuro-spine centre jaipur.

mrs reshma parveen-JAIPUR


myself from jaipur,few year back i come across with painful situation to my mother who is old women,was living with a situation of chronic back pain,for that she consulted many doctore in sms hosptal and other hospital of jaipur,where most of doctor advise her to reduce her wait ,by saying first you reduced weight,so your pain will subsided.also saying such mri finding are visiblein 90% of cases,only solution is bed rest and exercises.after all trial my mother condition start to get worsen.

thensomebosy suggest me to consult at JPRC neuro spine centre jaipur for expert opinion ,where dr sanjay sharma whois well known name in the field of spine pain management.he state very clearly she cant be come to her normal life without surgery.advise us to opt for surgery with full assurance,as most of people scared about spine we were afraid,but with the confidencr from his knowlege and experience in spine,we decided to get operated from his team of neurosurgery and pain management at apex hospital jaipur,immediately after surgery my mother become alright.our whole family very thankful to team of JPRC neuro spine centre jaipur for their valuable services.

Mr Gopal Gaire--BSF commandent


myself from border security forces .as our tough services and lifestyle made us strong enough to deal woth any stressful situation,but in 2013 ,i developed some injury over my low back spinal area.while doing my duty,i gradually developed Loe Back pain.i try everything availble but finally no effect with medicine and xercise,also bed rest.then somebody suggest me to see myself  at . JPRC neuro spine centre jaipur.where i met with dr sanjay sharma.very good thing i noticed he advised me to have precaution along with interventional procedure-intradiscal pulse radio frequency at L4-5 level,in just few hour at hospital stay,i return back to my office fromsame day.after 7 yrs still i have no pain ,as it was .at aJPRC neuro spine centre,most of the people come with chronic low back pain,slipped disc type problem,but dr sanjay sharma avoid surgery for spine problem cases.i am highly thankful to him ,who save my life like next to God.

mr suresh maheshwari-bhilwara [slipdisc problem]

+91 9414114353

i am bhilwara based buisnessman,in 2012 my wife mrs sarla maheshwari she develope chronic back pain.for that i consulted many orthopaedic surgeons in bhilwara and jaipur,every time new doctors ask me to get done fresh MRI & X-RAYS,and other routine test etc.after seeing her reports we were advised for bed rest and beltin lower back.somebody suggest me for spine surgery,just saying slipped disc problem.that it will remain through out life till your last moment.such type of comments by differents doctors.i was very confused ,what to do for treatment? then i consulted dr sanjay sharma interventional pain physician from JPRC Neuro-spine centre jaipur.we told him at any cost we will ot opt for any surgery at all.

he expalined us in detail about our MRI that its clear cut case of spondylolisthesis grade first at L5 S1 LEVEL.he did some procedure under fluro guidance under local anesthesia,just a pin hole technique.after that same day she resume her work,now she is very much perfect without any surgery.regularly doing her normal routine work as housewife.i am really thankful to JPRC Neuro-spine doctors.for their attention and care,specially thanks to dr sanjay sharma.

mr Ghosh-avoid knee replacement

+91 9785876049

i am service class person from west bengal,few year back i met with an accident ,get multiple fracture in my limbs,specially to knee joint,i took many treatment for my knee pain,every doctortold me to get pain relief medicne,and some doctors told me get knee replacement surgery.but i was not sure about sucess of surgery results.because i was very much compromise in walking and i dont want to take chance with my routine life.then i fine morning i found dr sanjay sharma about his name in pain management.i consulted him for my problem.after his opinion about my case he decided to do radiofrequency treatment for my knee pain.after very first sitting my walking improve drastically,in next few siting from his treatement i was resume my working life without any support.its my personal suggestion as patient if you have option to avoid surgery for knee pain,one should have expert opinion for non surgical techniques from JPRC doctors ,who can help you for knee pain.

Mrs Saroj -slipdisc problem


i am from kota rajasthan ,i suddenly develope low back pain as my work related to travel a lot as socialand political career.i keep on taking pain killers and bed rest along with physiotherapy.but despite of long trials from doctor nobody could relieve my slipdisc pain,then my relative advise me to consult with dr sanjay sgarma team for minimal invasive procedure.his neurosurgery and pain management  doctor team dedicately doing such advance technology fromlast 10 years,at his clinic you can see diffrent type of patient who spent their valuable time and money.

in my case they did endoscopic minimal invasive procedure for my PIVD L5S1 level  severe canal stenosis.i imediately start my routine life style.and i am enjoying pain free life now

Mr Ramakant


My experience with Dr. Sanjay Sharma has completely changed my life. He is the best pain physician in India. Firstly my son 10yrs back was suffering from lumbar facet joints localized severe back pain & he treated him with radio-frequency ablation a daycare procedure. I am out of words to thank him. After that, my daughter married to Himachal Pradesh, her mother in law suffering from rheumatoid arthritis was under treatment by some rheumatologist in Punjab. She was advised for knee replacement surgery by everyone but she was skeptical about knee replacement. She was treated by dr Sanjay Sharma by nonsurgical options, radiofrequency ablation technique,after the treatment, she began to live her life better than any surgical procedure.

Mrs Kuljit Kaur knee pain treatment


I was suffering from severe knee pain osteoarthritis grade 2, from last 2 years, and had consulted a lot of specialists, orthopedic surgeon, for a long term solution, without any Painkillers and surgery even try all available ointments and Knee support, and I underwent physiotherapies but there was no relief. At the end of all failures,my friend advised me for jprc & dr Sanjay sir. Now I am fit and doing all routine activities without pain. just because JPRC Neuro-spine centre and dr sanjay Sharma my pain has vanished away.that I never imagined.One more important thing I would like to share with you that my husband who was suffering from knee Pain Problems,his experience after Knee surgery,was not upto our I avoided any kind of Surgery.

Mr S.D Taylor -Knee pain problem


Myself retired senior bank manager from Punjab national Bank. My wife was suffering with knee pain, someone says your cartilage lost, other says grease is lost, etc. she took all treatment from doctors, in 2010 she was advised for knee replacement surgery, but I was not willing for surgery, I saw few cases where people’s didn’t find absolutely pain free condition. Fortunately we met Dr Sanjay Sharma who is known intervention pain physician well known name in pain medicine globally, he do non surgical procedure to treat all painful knee condition with out surgery. It took nearly three sitting follow by certain precautions and Medical treatment along with.It’s nearly 10 yrs after procedure, she is working and living without pain.

Mrs Kirti -slipped disc treatment


Myself house wife from kota rajasthan ,I was suffering from Low back pain Slipdisc(Hetniated disc) at L4-5 level.continuous pain both legs. Not relief by any pain killers and any type of physiotherapy as advised by orthopedic surgeon. I tried all treatment ,possible in our country. Then I search over google for best treatment for Slipdisc problem. Where I found Dr Sanjay Sharma who is known intervention pain physician in India. His main expertise in nonsurgical options for spine related problems. He has team of neurosurgery and pain medicine doctors, they avoid conventional surgery as far as possible.I underwent for laser endoscopic discectomy just after few hours, I started walking and after few days (7) started doing all routine work afterwards .It was stitches less techniques no bed rest after procedure. After 6yrs I didn’t have any pain in my lower back. And after that I travelled many places in India.

Mr Anil Saini


I am senior business manager in multinational company’s my job is travelling from one place to another with two and four wheeler.i developed constant pain in my lower back, for that I consulted many doctors, but no body could identify my problem exactly.most of doctor suggest me for exercises and pain killers,they just see my simple X-rays,and start treatment.After getting exhausted with different medical treatments consulted dr sanjay sharma interventional pain physicians known name in pain management doctor in India.he advised us for MRI ,where he identified PIVD L4-5 level.with annular tear.he advised us for minimal invasive procedure, along with some most of people avoid spine procedure, because of fear, that after any surgical procedure, you can be permanently bed ridden as society thinks so.But I was having full faith in dr sanjay sharma because he had an experience of more then 15000 same spine cases of slip disc.he did laser procedure in my disc level at L4-5,under local anaesthesia,after few hour I was discharge from jprc neuro spine centre, with certain instructions.after 3 yrs right now I am absolutely pain free from slip disc problem.

Dr B.L Gawadia


I am laproscopic surgeon at my own centre at kuchaman city nagar close relatives were suffering with low back pain many patients.though I am qualified surgeon see many patients since couple of years.but I felt that some of my patients suffering from slipdisc problem and sciatica.who tried every possible treatment available.what I felt every patient who is undergone for long trial with medicine and unwanted bed rest should opt for minimal invasive technique.before attempting any surgery, its safe and proven my Mausi and parents and other family members took treatment at jprc.

In day care minimal invasive technique like laser,radiofrequency ablation,adhesinolysis and endoscopic discectomy type are routinely performed by jprc neurospine centre doctors.

Mr Anju Gupta- vertebroplasty


Mr gupta from delhi was suffering with fracture vertebrae L1 LEVEL,she was living with pain since many years ,tried all pain killer and bed rest as advised by many orthosurgeons,even she tried other non medical treatment like acupuncture,and local application of different oils with the hope to correction of fracture,then she was advised by some to contact us with neurosurgery department ,after analysis of MRI,CT SCAN film, finally decided to attempt kyphoplsty procedure,a minimal invasive technique, no big incision,just under local anaesthesia,and controlled sedation, an absolutely painless surgical procedure.just after 24 hrs patient was absolutely pain compared to her painful life.

Elizabeth David


Hi am educational professional based in jaipur I came to know about dr Sanjay Sharma few year back ,when one of close friend was suffering with low back pain was under treatment by many orthopaedic doctors, and unwanted physiotherapy for her spine pain problem,PIVD L4-5 &L5S1 level.everybody was saying keep on rest or physiotherapy only solution for her back pain but unfortunately no outcome.its almost 2-3 years trial by all doctors, then one of my friend suggest me, that dr Sanjay Sharma who is doing minimal invasive spine pain procedure for any painful spine condition, then he saw our case in detail and advise us for percutaneous discectomy.we agreed upon his suggestion.after her procedure her painful spine almost become painfree.after that I visited his clinic JPRC neuro-spinehospital jaipur many times with different problems like frozen shoulder,cervical spondylosis, migraine etc.all of my patients as well as friends now very much thankful to my suggestion.

Mr Kanhiya Dholpur- low back pain[slipdisc]


I am very pleased to say as my job in police department to work hard, because of our working pattern and hard work duty I start developing back pains our most of police personnel develop.but unfortunately in 2010 I was diagnosed with slip disc L4-5 problem.for that I took treatment from SMS hospital neuro doctor and orthopaedic department.intially I was kept on medicine but after few month when my pain not relieved they admit me for surgery.i was very much scared about surgery for Back pain radiating down to whole leg till great toe.

fortunately I was told by some doctor that dr Sanjay Sharma and dr tariq tramboo opened a centre in jaipur for non surgical treatment for slip disc.i consulted both of them they did a simple procedure without any anaesthesia,it was amazing that after procedure my pain almost reduced to zero.i was asked to follow certain instructions for few weeks.

I am very much thankful to JPRC neuro-spine hospital doctors team for saving my life from unwanted surgery.

Mrs Nidhi Gupta


hello I am Nidhi gupta from jaipur few year back my mother start complaining back pains L4-5 & L5 S1 she was known case of diabetes and hypertension,evry dr way saying it all because of diabetes condition, then we met dr Sanjay Sharma,who after seeing her mri advise for minimal invasive procedure for her low back pain.after the procedure she was absolutely fine.but she develop pots spine for that again every dr was not sure what to do ?but dr Sanjay Sharma and dr Lalit bhardway did excellent spine surgical procedure after that my mother start doing all routine works.i am really thankful how dr sharma save my mother life, from spine problems.

Jyoti Sharma

i am working women middle age from last few years I developed low back pain, going for to legs,I consulted many doctors in USA everyone suggest conventional medical treatment,then we had consulted Indian doctors ,well known in spine Jaipur Dr sanjay Sharma who already treated my father few years back,ask me to see Dr sanjay,he advised me for Endoscopic discectomy,it was really a interventional procedure stitchless under local anesthesia, second day I was discharged from hospital, after year I am very comfortable with out residual desability during routine life.

Mrs sudha


I am Jaipur based buisness family women',I developed pain in both hip area, unable to do routine activities for many years,I tried everything medicine exercise bed rest , what ever told by anyone.but no relief .then I ask Dr sanjay Sharma about my pain condition,it was pubis symphasitis ,an chronic inflammation condition.he treat me very well with medical treatment only with some I resume my younger life again.thankful to JPRC team

Mrs kuldeep Kaur- slipped disc


I am from Ranchi Jharkhand India,i am housewife but very active in social activities .as I am senior citizen too.i was having constant pain in legs, and knee joint, could not stand for few relief from every medical treatment.after many consultation with ortho ,doctors.every one suggest me knee replacement.but net result zero then I consulted with dr Sanjay Sharma .who advise me for MRI LS SPINE,immediately he suggest me for endoscopic discectomy surgery.i was very much scared about spine surgery, then he shows me details about endoscopic surgery their team work.i decided to get done spine surgery fromj JPRC neuro spine centre. Immediately after surgery I was totally pain free.hopefully I will treat my knee pain from him soon. My suggestion for people ,who had slip disc type problem should have expert opinion from neurosurgery and pain medicine department of JPRC doctors.

Mr G.N SHARMA knee pain treatment


I am from alwar Rajasthan ,with knee pain in both knee I am suffering with rheumatoid arthritis too.i consulted many doctor for knee pain everybody was suggesting me for knee replacements ,I was not financial sound to bear surgery I refused knee replacement.then I consulted dr Sanjay Sharma for his name in pain relief treatment by many patients, who had treatment by him from years.he suggested me to radiofrequency treatment with viscosupplementation and other procedure along with ,he treat me two times immediately afterwards my painful knee become painfree. In my opinion if possible everyone should have nonsurgical treatment before any replacement surgery.

Mrs Ritu Gupta-foot drop after knee replacement


I am jaipur based educational women, honestly speaking I was having knee pain since many years.i consulted many doctors they simply given me pain killer and exercises etc.only on X-rays finding with saying "GAP KHATAM HO GAYA”.You have to continue longterm treatment for knee pain.i ask dr Sanjay Sharma who immediately refuse to do any treatment on his MRI findings, he suggest me for replacement if possible.but some other best hospital by other orthopaedic surgeon was operated ,during surgery my nerve was traumatised,and I developed foot drop post hope for my movement ,again I was told no treatment possible for foot drop by any doctor in India. Then I discussed with dr sanjay sharma who also have good knowledge about Neuromodulation technique,asi heard about him for his international work in Neuromodulation .he perform radio frequency neurostimulation techniques for foot drop.with his efforts, now I am walking only foot without support.recently I travelled to Australia after his operation. My sincere thanks for him

Mr Chandra kant sharma-cervical spondylosis


I am jaipur based automobile industry as sales manager 7 years back I developed neck and shoulder pain[cervical spondylosis] ,it was very serious type pain not relieve by any pain killer injection.and medicine.after few days I was advised to consult physio exercises.i was offered few week exercises, with neck collar. After two weeks I discuss with jprc doctors, they asked me for first mri investigation, It was PIVD C5-6 disc prolapsed ,then dr sanjay advise me to get done day care non surgical neck procedure-suprascapular RFA treatment with facet RFA together ,I was absolutely pain free after procedure.i advise everyone don’t go with simple X-rays based treatment by your doctor unless not sure. I really thankful to JPRC neurospine centre team.

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