Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
Why is it better ?
Unlike traditional spinal surgery ( where the surgeon makes a long 5-6 inch incision, and
with a retractor pulls the back muscles and tissues sideways to expose a large segment of
spinal cord), MISS technique minimises the requirement to cut and expose.
Traditional invasive spine surgeries often lead to damage to the soft tissues and back muscles
surrounding the spinal cord, due to excessive wear and tear during the operation. It may
even cause greater pain, blood loss and infections.
Now, MISS was invented to perform surgeries with the least amount of tissue damage.
Surgeon enters the instrument only through the actual area of damage. So, MISS offers least
complications, minimum blood loss and shorter stay in the hospital.
At JPRC medical centres, our highly qualified orthopaedic surgeons perform MISS with best
in state technology to assure complete healing.
Common types :
MIS lumbar discectomy (for hernia) , MIS lumbar fusion etc.
Procedure :
Most common procedure -
During this surgery, a health specialist makes a small incision in the patients back and then
inserts a device named tubular retractor which creates a tunnel to open the problem causing
area. The surrounding muscles are gently moved by the tool so that the surgeon can easily
operate the spine.
Retractor acts as the tunnel for the entire surgical process, small instruments are passed
through its canal and broken pieces of bone, spinal cord and tissue are also removed through
Our professionals use fluoroscopes, special microscopes and real time x-ray systems for the
surgery. Nowadays, an endoscope is also used if required.
Normally, after a MIS surgery, patients can go home on that same day, or sometimes after
1-2 days. It depends on the individual medical condition .
To help you regain your strength and fitness quickly, our doctors may recommend physical
therapy. Besides, regular mild exercises ( as per your doctor) will help you to recover fast and
get back to normal life.
But in fusion procedures, bones may take 2-3 months to fuse properly. You must follow your
doctor's advice to sit, move, walk and maintain the proper alignment of the spinal column.
But don't worry, our highly experienced doctors at JPRC medical centres will check you
regularly after surgery to make sure that you're recovering quickly and properly.
Still have questions? Doubts about your medical situation? Call us today.